Monday, 20 July 2009

A simple shade house

Originally uploaded by margoc
We've had this old roof frame since we moved in - it was at the back of the garage and has stayed there til now with many possible lives it could have lead. Now it has fulfilled its destiny and become the roof of a shadehouse-come-greenhouse.

Simon knocked up a frame for it on the weekend with pieces of timber we had in the garage (it pays to not be too eager to throw things out!).

A bit of shadecloth and gardening plastic should do the trick to cover it. We have some orchids that need a bit of TLC and this will be their home for starters. Also the galangal, lemongrass and other frost-tender things could better survive the winter months under cover.

Why, Clancy could even use it as a playhouse if it doesn't get used for our gardening projects! :o)

Rainwater tank off garage roof

Rainwater tank off garage
Originally uploaded by margoc
We finally put in a rainwater tank last weekend, running off the garage roof. Now, if only it would rain (although I must admit to enjoying the recent warmish winter weather here in Canberra)!

It's just a 500L tank to help with the summer watering and to complement our little greywater set up (which holds about 100L).

This was a quick 1 day job once we'd bought the fittings, brackets and tank. It's sitting on a wooden pallet. We added a hole to the lid and covered it with a double layer of gutterguard to stop rodents, etc from entering the tank. Not sure if we'll end up with a mozzie problem - something to keep our eye on I suppose. We also put gutterguard along the gutter - of course. :o)

The cost?
500L tank = $99
90mm pipe (x2) = $22
Pipe fittings = $10
Gutterguard (8m) = $3
Brackets = $12
TOTAL = $146

Not bad hey? Off to do a rain dance now :o)

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Pruning blueberries and other fruit trees

Another lovely Sunday in Canberra in the winter. The sunrise this morning was a sight to behold - looking up to Mt Majura where the clouds were pink and soft dark blue as the sun rose to paint them! Just gorgeous! It's possibly the best time of year for sunsets and sunrises I think.

We pruned our plum trees today - photos to come shortly on our Flick page. Simon found a great interactive PDF guide from Flemings in Victoria on pruning - most useful guide I've seen to date.

I also did some quick research on pruning blueberries and found this from Growing Wisdom. There are other short informative videos too. It's hard not to go past Gardening Australia and the info on their website, particularly as it relates more to our own climate and seasonal cycles!