Saturday 9 May 2009

Two years are we doing?

We are just over two years in our place in Hackett so today I walked around and took some pics of our garden to see how things have come along. Certainly the backyard is changed completely, the progress is documented in pics over at our Hackett Gardener Flickr set.

First our olive, planted back in June 2007. Here's then:

And now:

Our side verge is looking healthy now the natives (including grasses) has taken off:
side bed of natives

We also added a heap of Poa grasses and dug a swale to try to stop the water run-off into our driveway (which gets to at least an inch deep at times! WE've had a couple of decent downpours since, and the result is pretty good.


And finally, our pond, now complete with juncus rushes and some new fish too. From this:
Pond with new path.JPG this:

pond with juncus

Just a few highlights. Finally, the weeping apricot we planted when Clancy was born is almost 12 months as well - July is the month. It's almost about to drop its leaves for winter. Will mulch it and dose it with some manure just for luck.

weeping apricot in autumn

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